Not many posts lately as we are getting everything ready for the TIN SHED fair this Easter (see below for more info). We are working away in our studio (an 18th century basement/washroom which is beautiful but rather chilly this morning). I am finishing off the NATURE TABLE, which will be filled with insect jewellery by Erica Weiner and Clara Francis as well as finds from the surrounding fells and pencil studies of fauna. A magnifying glass will be provided to view the table.
Denise is busy with her new collection of painted furniture and is currently working on a 1950's bureau to house the artists' books at the fair. As part of her Industrial Landscape series the bureau is turning into a desolated, yet stunning, scene with tantalising smaller vistas painted on the compartments inside. Surrounding the piece are books about 16th century Dutch dolls houses and Denise’s photographs of Hull's 18th century industrial quarter - an odd mix that seem quite similar when seen next to each other. I am so excited to see the finished piece and how all these references come together.
View of front door opening to reveal the compartment inside.
All work will be on display at the TIN SHED. See below for details.
Denise is busy with her new collection of painted furniture and is currently working on a 1950's bureau to house the artists' books at the fair. As part of her Industrial Landscape series the bureau is turning into a desolated, yet stunning, scene with tantalising smaller vistas painted on the compartments inside. Surrounding the piece are books about 16th century Dutch dolls houses and Denise’s photographs of Hull's 18th century industrial quarter - an odd mix that seem quite similar when seen next to each other. I am so excited to see the finished piece and how all these references come together.

All work will be on display at the TIN SHED. See below for details.